Saturday 4 January 2014

Out of the way, Uruguay

Out of the way, Uruguay

I wanted to write about the South American country of Uruguay today. 

Does anyone know why it is called Uruguay? 
how the country declared independence from the European Powers? 
when was the independence?
and finally, what is the capital city?

Here are the answers to the above questions, however first, let me elaborate a bit.  

Uruguay has the neighbours of Brazil and Argentina; and is surrounded on two sides by river, and the third side by the Atlantic Ocean. 

The river of 'Río de la Plata', which is one of the widest rivers in the world is located on the north. 

The 'Río Uruguay' is on the west of the beautiful country. 

And finally, the Atlantic Ocean borders the country to the east. 

The main port and capital city is Montevideo; which was founded in 1726.

The name 'Uruguay' originates from the river mentioned above.  Its etymology derives from a 'Guaraní Indian' word meaning "the river of shellfish". 

Never been to Uruguay yet, but I will definitely make it out to this 'out of the way' country soon. 

Thank you for reading. 

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