Saturday 4 January 2014

Sergen the Coach

Sergen the Coach 

I wanted to write about a coach named Sergen Yalcin today. 

Why you ask?

I like to keep current in the game of soccer/football, and look for interesting stories within this sport.  

Here is an a good story, you will not have heard/read on many news channels. 

Sergen Yalcin become the coach of Gaziantepspor Soccer Team, 45 days ago. 

The soccer team fired the previous coach, due to unsuccessful results and ended in the bottom of an 18 team league titled, 'Super League' of the Turkish Football Federation (TFF). 

Since taking over the club as a coach, Sergen Yalcin has won all 4 games in charge for Gaziantepspor.  This is very surprising, as all games were against difficult clubs.  

After 4 weeks, the team went from being 'last' in the table to now in 10th place.  

Here is where the story gets interesting.  

Mr Sergen Yalcin has stated this week that he will quiet his job as a coach after 2 weeks, which will be after the end of 2 games, since the players are not getting their salaries regularly.

After 2 weeks, there will be a 1 month vacation in the 'Super League' of TFF.  

My advise to the management of Gaziantepspor Football Team are:
- solve the financial problem within the club, 
- pay your employees salaries on time, 
- respect each other,
- act professionally,
- try to keep your current coach Sergen Yalcin, and 
- try to sign him for a minimum of 2 year contract. 

I do believe there is success in the future for this club, if the above 'points' are implemented.  

Thank you for reading. 

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