Thursday 2 January 2014

Scourge of God

Scourge of God

I heard the quote 'Scourge of God' and wondered why such a comment could be made, and for 'who' it was said; therefore decided to do some research.  

Do you know what 'Scourge' means?

Scourge means 'a person that causes great deal of trouble or suffering'. 

This quote was used first for 'Attila the Hun'. 

Attila the Hun and his faithful Warriors developed the skills of 'Battle' at the territories once called 'Scythia'.  Today, Scythia is the areas within the countries of Kazakhstan and south-east Russia. 

Attila the Hun and his Troops scared the citizens of the Roman Empire, since these Warriors would attack the borders of the Empire.  

The fear was evident with citizens when they came into contact with these Warriors, who had tattooed bodies and knotted long hair; and the Romans would wonder and try to comprehend how God could allow these Pagans to destroy their once-mighty Empire.  

Therefore, the citizens of the Empire called Attila the Hun, the 'Scourge of God'. 

Attila the Hun conquered vast lands in Asia and Europe from the Roman and other empires, over a thousand years ago. 

You might be wondering who was Atilla, the Hun. 

The Huns were a Nomadic tribe from the territories of modern day Mongolia; with ancestor ties to the Turk-manic tribes. 

I thought it was an interesting story and I decided to share this today. 

Thank you,


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