Saturday 4 January 2014

Understand the Income Tax

Understand the Income Tax

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax" 
This is a quote, believed to me from Albert Einstein, the 'Nobel' peace prize winner, and the intellectual genius.  

I thought it was fitting to write this today, and bring attention to the 'tax system', since the system really is highly complex.  

Also, in previous blogs, titled, 'Interest on Loan', 'Creation of Money', and 'Illegitimate and Absurd', I touched on our 'monetary system', please find these writings in this web-page and read them.  

Therefore, the next step is to write a blog about our 'tax system'.  

I am planning on writing a blog about how 'taxes' come into the picture, when money is created by the banks, and I will need to expand this topic and write about our 'tax system'. 

It will be an interesting topic, and I would like to invite you back to this site.  

For now, I will just state that:

Income taxes are used in almost all countries in the world today.  It was not like this about 100 years prior.  Tax burden now, falls on different groups within our society, based on the yearly 'income' of that 'person' 'partnership' and 'corporation'. 

Let's just leave it at that for now, and I would like to invite you back for a more expanded write up on this topic. 

To be continued.  

Thank you for reading,


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