Sunday 26 December 2021

Ottomans, one of the longest lasting empires

Good article about empires, my beloved, the Ottomans were number 26, a bit lower than I thought. 

However, the Ottomans lasted very long in a transitional time in Europe, Middle East, and Western Asia, where there were multiple strong other armies. 

Plus, more importantly, there were multiple nationalistic desires within the empire, wanting to break it apart, to create their own country.  

Lastly, that goddamn oil being found in Irak, Arabia, southern Syria, prior to WWI, made the Ottomans a victim at the hands of the imperial powers that wanted to break her apart and take the oil and lands. 

The Ottomans suffered much.  

I mean it.

Thursday 21 October 2021

Tormented Heart

Sultan Suleiman’s multiple sons were growing rapidly, and getting ready to take over the throne from their father. 

The sultan was witnessing the increasing tension between the male heirs and their mothers, which concerned and feared him. Therefore, due to the tensions, Suleiman did not leave Istanbul for long periods, as he believed his throne would be in jeopardy, and surely, he would be deposed. 

Suleiman had many concubines, and of the many, two of the females were the most important, since they provided the ruler with male heirs to his throne. 

The first woman to bear a male child was Mahidevran Gulbahar, who gave birth to Prince Mustafa, the eldest child of Suleiman. Mahidevran was of Albanian origin; she came from a wealthy family, and joined the sultan’s harem. The birth of Mustafa was particularly important, because he was the first child of Suleiman. 

The second female who bore male heirs for Sultan Suleiman was Hurrem Haseki. This young beautiful woman was a captured slave girl from the southeast section of Poland, where the country bordered Ukraine. The following were the sons of Hurrem, they were: Mehmet, Beyazit, Selim, and Cihangir. 

Hurrem and Suleiman were madly in love with one another. The tormented heart of Suleiman was very much evidenced by everyone, after the death of Hurrem. Furthermore, after her death, he lived an isolated life at the Topkapi Palace; the home of the sultanate family, in Istanbul. 

Could the torment he was living through, during the latter years of his life be due to another reason? 

It sure looked like some of the decisions made by Suleiman tormented him greatly, one of them being the order given to have his eldest son executed. 

Please order your copy, thank you.

Sunday 17 October 2021

The Obsession

The 5,000 janissaries were accompanying Sultan Mehmet deep into the capital city. 

The marching band kept playing their music proudly, while the janissaries stomped and chanted in complete unison, the words of the song:

“O glorious army! O great soldier, Come to the glorious land of bastion smashers. A shield in one hand, and the dagger in the other, Let us advance to the border of death, O gallant soldier. May everything be victorious in this land, Chanting the prayer, Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Let our army be immortally victorious!” 

The final destination - Hagia Sophia Church. 

Purchase and experience the love and respect Sultan Mehmet had for the divine capital city of Constantinople. 


Friday 15 October 2021

The Proud Stand

Emperor Constantine looked at his guests sitting around the imperial rectangle table, smiled dryly, and said softly, “greetings everyone.” 

The guests leaned forward toward the emperor. The ruler continued, “Madams, sirs, illustrious captains of the army, and our most Christian friends, I bid you all welcome to my table this evening.” 

He cleared his throat, then continued loudly, “We are here today to enjoy a delicious meal and drink. Before beginning to eat, I want to bring to everyone’s attention that the hour of battle is approaching. I want to make it clear to everyone, we, the people of Constantinople, must stand together with firm resolution. Remember that we have always fought with glory against the enemies of Christ. Now the defence of your fatherland will begin, the infidel, evil, and hideous Ottoman Turks are preparing for a siege of our city, once again.” 

The Proud Stand by the last emperor of the Byzantine Empire is exciting; this novelette tells the tale of the last confrontation between the Byzantine and the Ottoman Empires. 

Purchase the book today. ENJOY!

Monday 11 October 2021

Black Tent

Mustafa was the prince with the most potential of any other, during the 600 plus years existence of the Ottoman Empire. He was the hope for the majority of the people living in and out of the empire, to ascend to the throne.His father was Lawmaker Sultan Suleiman, who ruled the empire during the empire's zenith years. He was untouchable, revered, and feared. But, once looking past his mighty title, name, and qualifications, study shows that he made questionable decisions, one of them being the decision to order the execution of his eldest son - Mustafa.This story is a fictional telling of what happened when Mustafa rode into the Ottoman Empire’s campsite, and entered the shadowy big black tent, where his sultan father was waiting for him. What I will do is take you back to October 6, 1553, and bring forward previously unknown and intriguing events from that day, told in a fictional telling. Purchase the book and take a ride to a different world.Thank you and take good care,

Mother to a Prince

This is a non-fiction story of Mahidevran Sultan’s life. 

Mahidevran was the concubine of Lawmaker Sultan Suleiman. But more importantly, she was the mother of Prince Mustafa, the prince being the number one contender to be the next ruler of the Ottoman Empire. 

But, unfortunately the prince did not become the next ruler, as he was brutally executed with the cruel order by his sultan father. 

The intriguing life and times of Mahidevran Sultan was complex, full of intrigue and manipulation. This novelette is well researched accurate telling of the beautiful sultan’s life. 

Therefore, the esteemed readers will have an entertaining, thought-provoking, and surprising story ahead of them. 

Press the buy button and ENJOY! 

Thank you,

The Devoted Call for Hope

Why are you writing this story?There are lessons to be learned from the interactions of a sultan and his children, particularly, the sultan’s interaction with his eldest son. Plus, it is still a relevant story even after 500 years have passed, and important lessons can be filtered out from the interaction between a father and his son.Surely, this relationship between Sultan Suleiman and his eldest son Prince Mustafa was not learned in schools of the western world, whether, elementary, junior high, or high school. I should know, I went through the education system and the information written in this story was not thought. Granted, if one were to attend a History Faculty at any University, surely, one would expect that parts of this story, would have been thought in the program. But, I strongly suspect that the part about Prince Mustafa being executed by his biological sultan father would not be in the literature, maybe only a line or two, at the most would be there. Furthermore, the urge to write this story now is due to wanting to relay the information that is still an intriguing topic of conversation in other parts of the world, while in the western world, it is a topic that is seldom talked about, discussed, or studied. Moreover, it will be beneficial to write a non-fiction story that will educate and entertain the esteemed readers, and introduce a high percentage of them, to a part of the world that they might not know much about. But, I have to clarify the above statement of, a non-fiction story; this story is not entirely non-fiction. The story is a non-fiction telling of the Ottoman Empire, until the tail-end of Lawmaker Sultan Suleiman’s time, in other words, chapters one to five (and chapter seven) are true and well researched telling of the empire. Therefore, everything written up until chapter five is accurate and a fact. Granted, it is a strong statement, which could be retorted by a reader, with one line that could show something other than what was written in this story. However, I am confident of the truth, and welcome any critique, therefore, bring on the criticism. However, most everything in chapter six will be a fictional telling of what happened when Prince Mustafa rode into the Ottoman Empire’s campsite, and entered the shadowy big black tent, where his sultan father was waiting for him in, therefore, the readers will have an entertaining, interesting, and surprising chapter. But please, I urge you to not peek ahead. Therefore, to the question of, why are you writing this story? The answer is that I feel compelled to tell this fascinating tale to readers, who surely want a story about intrigue, manipulation, and refined culture from days long forgotten.In this story, I will explain the life of Prince Mustafa and the betrayal charges made against him by his sultan father. Also, the part where Mustafa enters the tent has been speculated by most everyone, but never fully known; what really happened inside the black tent? The factual answer is this, no one knows what happened. What I will do is take you back to October 6, 1553 and bring forward previously unknown and intriguing events from that day, told in a fictional telling. Purchase the book and take a ride to a different world.Thank you and take good care,

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Turkey and Walmart and Costco

Turkey is actually a country that does not need USA any longer, before yes they needed their help, but now, less. 

USAs foreign policy has pushed Turkey to get closer with her neighbours. 

Like what is going on? here is a comparison of a recent transaction between the counties. 

USA (Walmart) does not deliver the jets Turkey bought and paid a deposit on, as written and promised in the contract signed. And when Turkey goes across the street to Russia (Costco) to buy them, Turkey is the bad guy?!?

No way,

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Annesinin Vasiyeti

Is yerinde calistigim bir arkadasimin annesi oldu 10 sene once.  Kanada’da dogmus Hindistan’li arkadas.  

Annesinin vasiyeti, oldukten sonra yakip kullerini Pacific denizine dokun demis arkadasa. 

Bu arkadas, genc iken ailece Vancouver’da yasarlarmis ve picnic yaparlarmis denizin kenarinda. Annesi bu yeri cok sevmis.  

Tabii sonra Edmonton’a tasinmislar seneler once ve annesi olmus. 

Arkadas ile bindik arabaya cuma aksami ve Edmonton’dan Vancouver’a araba ile gittik. Tam 15 saat’de vardik.  

Annesinin kulleri bir kavanozun icinde arka koltukta. 

Tabii 30 sene olmus Vancouver’dan Edmonton’a tasinali, ve o denizin kenarindaki picnic yeri biraz degismis.  Cok degismis, heryer ev dolmus.  

Ama yinede buldu picnic yerini ve tam gunesin batisinda, annesinin kullerini denize doktu. Arkadas hickira hickira agliyordu.  Uzun sure deniz kenarinda oturdu cocukcagiz. 

Cok etkilenmistim hatirliyorum. 

Hayat boyle olsa gerek.  

Yasadigimiz gibi oluyoruz.

Friday 3 September 2021

Vahdettin’s Home

Further reading of the Vahdettin’s home. 

I did not know, I guess this is almost the replica of Vahdettin’s home, rebuilt in 2013. 

I have driven on the road in front of this structure, about 30 years ago, but it was not like it is now, it was just lots of trees and a big building behind the trees that I could not fully see. But I never knew that it was the home of the last sultan, back then. 

I only found this out about 5 to 10 years ago. 

I always assumed he lived at the Dolmabahce Palace, which he did as well, while he was in office, his last few years were in Dolmabahce. (The palace in the Besiktas district, European side area.)

Thursday 2 September 2021

Alexander Vallaury and Vahdettin

Alexander V (Wikipedia below) completed many projects at the tale end of the empire. 

Also, it does not say in the Wikipedia site, but he also completed the home of the last sultan of the empire, Vahdettin. 

His home is on the Asian side, if you ever go to Istanbul, the home is at the top of the hill in the Cengelkoy neighborhood, between the first two bridges.

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Turkey gets recognition and admiration

Turkey gets recognition and admiration example from: Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, etc. because of the Ottoman Empire. 

They see Turkey as the leader in this area still, and a continuation of the empire. 

Yes, Turkey’s border is less than 1 million square metres, smaller than Alberta, Canada’s, but her history is second to none in this area. 

I’m telling you, the Ottomans are going to come back. 

What Turkey wants to do is similar to England, have the Ottoman family sit at the top, and rule the country by parliament. 

Furthermore, the old lands will be incorporated back, not by war, but by the country wanting to join Turkey. 

Will we see it in our lifetime? 

Sunday 29 August 2021

Idealtepe’de bir gun

Resimler super. 

Bende bir yada iki degisigi var, bulmam lazim. 

Biraz hatirlatma yapiyim. 

Okulun ilk bolumunun son gunu idi, herhalde cuma gunu.  Yani Aralik ayi, 1987 idi. 

Benimde son gunun, cunku Ocak 1988’de, hangi gun hatirlayamiyorum Kanada’ya geldik. 

Son gunumuzu, nedense Idealtepe’ye, yani Barbaros Sisneli’nin evine gittik. 

Genelde Saskinbakkal gibi yerlere yururduk.  

Nasil gittik hatirlayamiyorum, ya otobus, yada tren ile. 

Kim vardi?
Murat, ve 

Bu resimleri ceken herhalde bendim.  Burasi Idealtepe’de bir park’da idi. 

Gittik Barbaros’un evine, kimse yoktu, yani annesi ve babasi yok, takildik evinde biraz ve sonra oralarda disarda oynadik. 

Sonra ayrildik. 

Barbaros ile evin kosesine kadar eslik ettik. 

Sonra Hamdi, Murat, Ali, ve Ben munibus yoluna kadar yuruduk.  

Orda Hamdi ve Murat otobuse bindiler ve Erenkoy’e geri donduler. Herhalde evleri munibus yoluna yakin oldugu icin. 

Ali ile Ben tren istasyonuna kadar yuruduk. 

Ali Feneryolu’na gidecekti, Ben ise Pendik’e. Ikimiz karsi duraklarda birbirimize laf atarak treni bekledik.  Ve trenler ayni anda geldi, bindik ve ayri yerlere gittik. 

Tesekurler dostlar hatiralar icin.

Saturday 28 August 2021

Emin Ellerde

City of Gaziantep

Gazi means Veteran. 

Antep is the name of the eastern city. 

Gaziantep. This name was given to this city for kicking out the French and Italians in the war of independence, when the Ottoman Enpire collapsed and the imperialist came to take land.  

Turkeys best food is always from around this area as, the food has heavy influence from Syria, and Lebanon and other middle eastern nations, but before, these were all under the empire. 

We are from, my encestors are from close to Antep, it is called Siirt, the province next over. 

The people of eastern Turkey are like Burak (Ozcivit) dark features.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Balkans and the Ottomans

I was not knowledgeable when I first came to Canada, as the education system in Turkey is biased. 

Ataturk is god. 

Kemalism is nothing but good. 

The Turks came into existence in 1923.  There was nothing prior to this date. 

I mean it, this is how the system was. 

I hear it is better now, but 20 or 25 years ago it was not good.  Go back 50 years, and it was even worse. 

I had to leave the country to learn about my past, about the Ottomans and the prior empires ruled by the Turkic people. 

Anyway, today I was at the YMCA and met a dude from Moldova. 

Now 20 years ago I would have said, “hello bud, and walked away.”

Now, I asked him about the Ottoman Empire and how him and I today are from different counties, but only, I repeat only 100 years ago, we were under the same government.  

We had a good chat.  

The Balkans were ruled by the Ottomans for over 400 years.

People got along. 

Thank you,

Is Vancouver achievable?

Yes I really like Vancouver, I should have moved there sometime back, but I could not without securing work.  

I’m like that, in that I did not take risk.  I was working at Glastonbury Drugs and did not want to quit and go there.  I think that would have been not smart.  If I could have secured a transfer out there, I would have definitely went, but that did not happen.  

But I have met people who quit Glastonbury Drugs and did other stuff. I was surprised at people like that, I was also envious.

Maybe I will make it out there, but I believe it is highly unlikely now. Only way it will work is if my wife secures work around there and I request a spousal transfer.  

Or after retiring, we move there.  This option is a possibility.  

But we like living in our home and neighbourhood now, which is called Uplands, and will most likely stay here for a very long time.  

What I would like to do is just visit Vancouver once every 3 to 6 months.  That I’d like to do. 

Take care,

Turkey and the Truth

Turkey is misunderstood in the west.  And so much wrong has been done to this country and the western folk really do not know the full truth.  

What people in Turkey are asking now are these: 
if Turkey won the war of independence from the imperial powers, why did Ataturk take the imperial powers alphabet? 
Why were we forced to dress like the west? 
Why were we not able to speak Ottoman Turkish? And take words from English and French? 
Why did we lose our culture? 

Do you know that people in Turkey cannot read their grand parents writing because we were forced to forget it, think about grandparents were forced out of their country via Ataturk.  

Did you know that Turkey is the only country that won the war of independence and then forced to take the losers (imperial powers) above stated laws.  

Also, do you know how many people Ataturk hung to implement the above? It was not in the thousands, it was in the hundred thousands.

Last few things, do you know how much land was taken from Turkey to give to the puppet regimes? 
1.The Greek islands taken, 
2.Thrace area (Eastern Europe) taken to give to the Greeks and Bulgars,
3.Syria was taken,
4.Irak was taken,
5.north-east corner of Turkey was taken, now it is Russian. 
6.Cyprus, taken by UK and given to you know who.

There are a bit more, but you get the picture.  

That is why people in Turkey like Erdogan, he is standing up against the western powers. 

Natural course in Turkey is the Ottoman’s.  

I guarantee you that the Ottoman Sultan will be placed at the throne, similar to the queen in England, this is an unwritten goal of the coming governments.  Once this happens, all the lands taken by the imperial powers will be asked to join back.  Istanbul will be made the capital once more.  

The more I read about the Osmanli/Ottoman the more I get sad what was done to my grandparents...

Thank you ❤️

Ahmet or Akhmed,

I don’t mind that Jeff Dunham guy, I always thought he was funny, even thru the Akmed jokes.  

I really do not take it serious. 

Ahmet is a good name , it is a name that shows that the parents are trying to be decent, humble, conservative, honest, and trying to not lose that important thing called religion, culture, and our past, in this melting pot of a country we live in.  

Look at me, 
I wished my parents never left that old town, where we came from, at times I think that way.  It would have been so much more simpler.  

Thank you ❤️

Banka ve Agir Borc

Sagol dun agzima sictin ve bir cevap veremedik dogru durust cunku sen, yani Mustafa sen cok konusmasini bilirsin.  Bagirirsin, cagirirsin, kufur edersin, ve hep hakli olursun.  Ama gel gor ve bak simdi, sen nasil yanlis ve hatali oldugunu ispatliyacagim simdi.  Yaziklar olsun emi. Ve senin o karinada yaziklar olsun, boyle kendinizi inandirmissiniz, Ridvan ne kadar hatali, ve siz, Mustafa ve Reyhan ne kadar saf ve hatasiz.  Ne vicdansizsiniz, yuh size.

Diyordun dun aksam, “Yegenlerini oksuz biraktin…”.  Ben kimseyi oksuz birakmadim, sana ve Reyhan’a laf dinletemedim, ve siz boyle kiraci duruma dusdunuz.  Ev alamiyormusun? Cunku credit’in bozulmus oylemi? ve bu benim sucum oylemi?  Ben 7835 Schmid Place’den sonra bir kac ev aldim ve sattim, nasilmi yaptim?  Yuklu para downpayment koydum ve aldim.   Bank’a yuklu downpayment koydunmu hic bir sorun cikarmaz.  Ama nerde senda yuklu para.  O kadar para yaptiniz iki ev satmak ilen ve her koseye saldirdin ve simdi parasiz kaldin, ve simdi bunun butun sucu bana kaldi, yuh sana Mustafa, ve sana hic dur diyemeyen Reyhan'a.

 Yani senin cocuklarin kiraci evlere dusmelerinin sebebi Ridvan, hic baba’larin supheli ve anne’lerin salak hareketleri degil oylemi?  Sana ve Reyhan’a yuz defa dedim 207 street’deki evi satmayin, bir sey almadan satmayin dedim, ama dinleyen varmiydi?  Schmid Place’i kirala dedim, kalsin ve eninde sonunda cok fiyati cikar, satarsin yada oturursun ilerde dedim, ama beni dinleyen varmiydi? Herneyse, siz haklisinizdir, ben haksizim…

Gel gelelim ortaklasa almaz olaydik eve:
Ne dedin, “3 ay’dan fazla odediysen, senin gotunu operim.”  Ben ispatliyacagim, sana ve senin o hayirsiz karina simdi.

Seni gordugumde, sarilacaktim ve diyecektim “Mustafa, bende hata vardi, kusuruma bakma, gel barisalim…”, boyle bir sey diyecektim ama sen bir annemin evine daldin sanki tassaklarina birileri basmisti.  Yani insan yavas olur, karsindakini dinler, ama sende boyle medeni guzel bir sekilde tartismak yok.  Bunuda soylemeden gecmiyecegim, benim ne kadar cok hatam varsa idi, seninde o kadar cok hatan vardi.  Ama, bunlar artik eskide kaldi.  Sen su anda oduyormussun eski borcu, oylemi? bende oduyorum.   Senin credit bureau’na eklenmis eski borc, oylemi?  benim credit bureau’ada eklenmis borc.  Sen niye bu kadar dert yapiyorsun ve ben bir sey soylemiyorum?  Olan banada oldu, ama sen oylesin hep uste cikmayi becerirsin.

Birde dedinki, “Sen kiracinin parasini aldin kendine,” onuda burda ispatliyacagim simdi.  Beni senin kufurlerin uzmedi.  Beni uzen sen hakkatten, sen ve karin beni hic tanimamissiniz.  Yani sen diyorsunki ben parayi cebime koyacagim, ve sana odettirecegim.  Koca bir yuh ikinize.  Ben sana telefon etmistim ve dedimki, “Anahtari bankaya verecegim.”  Bu konusmamiz Mayis 2010’da idi.  Sen bana dedinki, biz o eve tasinmak istiyoruz ve o evde oturacagiz.  Ben kiraciyi cikartmistim ve onun verdikleri parayi ekdeki sayfa 12’ye bak, goreceksin, onun kirasinin son iki ayi tam ($1,300 idi ayda ve son iki ayin kirasi mortgage’e yatirdim) $2,375.00 benim bank’amdan cektim ve gittim ayni gun Schmid Place’in mortgage’ini odedim.   Senin cocuklarin hatiri icin anahtari verdim sana, keske hemen bank’aya verseydim, ama oldu bir kere.  Ben duydum onceden sen ve o eski kiraci (adini hatirlayamiyorum su anda) benim arkamdan konusmussunuz ve ben parayi cebime atmisim diye.  Ispatini gordun ve simdi sen git o cocugu ara ve soyle, “Hakkatten Ridvan odemis, biz yanlis anlamisiz, Ridvan’in gunahini aldik…” Hadi git soyle Mustafa, ama ben ispat etsemde, sen bildigini yaparsin.   

Ama ne oldu sonra, siz girdiniz eve ve ben bank’adan ogrendim sonra, siz 6 ile 7 ay mortgage’i odemediniz, yani borcu baya yukselttiniz ve kazigin yarisini ben yedim.  Bunu konusan yok ama degilmi? sizi vicdansizlar.  Bana dun Reyhan dedi, “Biz mortgage’i odedik.”  Odeseydiniz bank’a sizi evden cikarirmiydi?  Siz ne safsiniz siz ne hakli insanlarsiniz, ve ben, yani Ridvan serefsiz oylemi? Yuh size.

Sen beni zamaninda dinleseydin, sen ve Reyhan simdi bu hallere dusmezdiniz, cunku ben anliyorum sizin derdiniz nedir, bunu burda en sona sakliyacagim

Banka kagitlari:
Burda ekde, benim banka hesaplarimi koydum.  Goreceksin, ben $2,239.00 x 12 defa odemisim.  Benim yanlisim var burda, ben 14 ay odemisim diye biliyorum, ama oyle degilmis.   Birde, ben dunden beri, yani senin o bagrismalarindan beri benim evimi didik didik ettim ve eski odemeleri buldum, banka hesaplarindan ilave, bazi odemeler yaptim Schmid Place icin.

Surda simdi yaziyim benim odedigim mortgage miktari: $2,239.00 x 12 = $26,868.00.

Evin mortgage'den ilaveten diger masraflari vardi, bunlarin bazilarini yazicagim, cunku sen hersey bilirsin, bizler asagilik insanlariz ve bir sey bilmeyiz degilmi.  Yandaki komsu fence’i yattirmak istedi ve ben bunun icin tam o komsuya $1,300 verdim ve fence'i bitirdi.  Evin onu yada arkasina iki agac ve dort ufak agac diktirdiler, buna $650.00 odedim.  Sadece bunlarin receipt’lerini bulabildim, baskalarida vardi ama onlari gecelim.

Gordunmu ekdeki odemeleri? Gordunmu 3 aydan fazla odedigimi? Hadi gel gotumu op seni pezevek ibne herif.  Yuh sana Mustafa, Yuh sana Reyhan, Mustafa’ya inanirsin ve bana inanmazsin.

Gel gelelim sizin derdinize:
Sizin derdiniz ben mortgage’i odemedigim icin degil, ben bilirim sizin derdiniz nedir.  Sizin derdiniz cok ama cok belli, sizin derdiniz Hamptons’dan kovuldugunuz icin, boyle yanar durursunuz ve herkeze satasirsiniz.  Simdi hamptons degil o eski kopekli evi verseler hemen atlarsiniz, ben bilirim.  Simdi kiraci durumdasiniz, yazik.  Sizin evde iki insan calisiyor ve halen bir ev alamiyormusunuz?  Hadi gidin alin Hamptons’dan bir ev, hadi gidin birisi size 10% downpayment’i versin.  Hadi gidin size co-sign yapacak adam bulun.  Bulamiyormusunuz?  

Bunlari size ben 10 sene once yaptim, ama bak gorun kotu durumda olan benim, ama sizler namuslu ve serefli kari ve koca.  Ben bilirim size yardim edecek kimse yoktur, benden baska.  

Size bir teklif yapacagim, Mustafa senin icin degil, Reyhan senin icinde degil.  Teklifimi yapmiyoum, Yagmur icin, Yasin icin ve Fatih icin; Ezo’nun arkadaslari ve benim yegenlerim oldugu icin, Ahmet pasamin kuzenleri oldugu icin.  Gel benden yardim iste, belki sana birseyler yaparim ve yine 10 sene oldugu gibi sizi hamptons’a sokayim. Istersen tabiiki, ama ben serefsizim, sizler cok durust. 

Quotes Daddy of Rid500

Quotes Daddy of Rid500

My portfolio and link is attached below of the 'Quotes Daddy' webpage.  If the link does not work, please copy/paste to the address bar.

Read some of the quotes and like them, or not.


Fatih District of Istanbul

Fatih District of Istanbul 

 historically Constantinople, is the capital district and a municipality in IstanbulTurkey which hosts the provincial authorities, including the governor's office, police headquarters, metropolitan municipality and tax office while encompassing the peninsula coinciding with old Constantinople. In 2009, the district of Eminönü, which had been a separate municipality located at the tip of the peninsula, was remerged into Fatih because of the small population of Eminönü. Fatih borders the Golden Horn to the north and the Sea of Marmara to the south, while the Western border is demarked by the Theodosian wall and the east by the Bosphorus Strait.

Byzantine eraEdit

Map of the city in the Byzantine period

Historic Byzantine districts encompassed by present-day Fatih include: ExokiónionAurelianaeXerólophosta EleuthérouHelenianaeta DalmatoúSígmaPsamátheiata KatakalónParadeísionta Olympíouta KýrouPeghéRhéghionta ElebíchouLeomákellonta DexiokrátousPetríon or PétraPhanàrionExi Mármara (Altımermer), PhilopátionDeúteron and Vlachernaí.

Immediately after the conquest, groups of Islamic scholars transformed the major churches of Hagia Sophia and the Pantocrator (today the Zeyrek Mosque) into mosques, but the Fatih Mosque and its surrounding complex was the first purpose-built Islamic seminary within the city walls. The building of the mosque complex ensured that the area continued to thrive beyond the conquest; markets grew up to support the thousands of workers involved in the building and to supply them with materials, and then to service the students in the seminary. The area quickly became a Turkish neighbourhood with a particularly pious character due to the seminary. Some of this piety has endured until today.

Following the conquest, the Edirnekapı (meaning Edirne Gate) gate in the city walls became the major exit to Thrace, and this rejuvenated the neighbourhoods overlooking the Golden Horn. The Fatih Mosque was on the road to Edirnekapı and the Fatih district became the most populous area of the city in the early Ottoman period and in the 16th century more mosques and markets were built in this area, including: Iskender Pasha Mosque, once famous as a centre for the Naqshbandi order in Turkey); Hirka-i-Sharif Mosque, which houses the cloak of the Prophet Muhammad (The Mosque is in common use but the cloak is only on show during the month of Ramadan; the Jerrahi Tekke; The Sunbul Efendi Tekke and the Ramazan Efendi Tekke both in the Kocamustafapaşa district and the Vefa Kilise Mosque, originally a Byzantine church. The last four were named after the founders of various Sufiorders, and Sheikh Ebü’l Vefa in particular was of major importance in the city and was very fond of Fatih. Many other mosques, schools, baths, and fountains in the area were built by military leaders and officials in the Ottoman court.

From the 18th century onwards, Istanbul started to grow outside the walls, and then began the transformation of Fatih into the heavily residential district, dominated by concrete apartment housing, that it remains today. This process was accelerated over the years by fires which destroyed whole neighbourhoods of wooden houses, and a major earthquake in 1766, which destroyed the Fatih Mosque and many of the surrounding buildings (subsequently rebuilt). Fires continued to ravage the old city, and the wide roads that run through the area today are a legacy of all that burning. There are few wooden buildings left in Fatih today, although right up until the 1960s, the area was covered with narrow streets of wooden buildings. Nowadays, the district is largely made up of narrow streets with tightly-packed 5- or 6-floor apartment buildings.

At present, Fatih contains areas including AksarayFındıkzadeÇapa, and Vatan Caddesi that are more cosmopolitan than the conservative image which the district has in the eyes of many people. With Eminönü, which was again officially a part of the Fatih district until 1928, and with its historical Byzantine walls, conquered by Mehmed II, Fatih is the "real" Istanbul of the old times, before the recent enlargement of the city that began in the 19th century.

The area has become more and more crowded from the 1960s onwards, and a large portion of the middle-class residents have moved to the Anatolian side and other parts of the city. Fatih today is largely a working-class district, but being a previously wealthy area, it is well-resourced, with a more thoroughly established community than the newly built areas such as Bağcılar or Esenler to the west, which are almost entirely inhabited by post-1980s migrants who came to the city in desperate circumstances. Fatih was built with some degree of central planning by the municipality.

Istanbul University which was founded in 1453 is in Fatih. In addition, since 1586, the Orthodox Christian Patriarchate of Constantinople has had its headquarters in the relatively modest Church of St. George in the Fener neighborhood of Fatih.

Fatih has many theatres, including the famous Reşat Nuri Sahnesi. The area is well-served with a number of schools, hospitals and public amenities in general. A number of Istanbul's longest-established hospitals are in Fatih, including the Istanbul University teaching hospitals of Çapa and Cerrahpaşa, the Haseki Public Hospital, the Samatya Public Hospital, and the Vakıf Gureba Public Hospital. A tramway runs from the docks at Sirkeci, through Sultanahmet, and finally to Aksaray, which is a part of Fatih.

Also, besides the headquarters, some main units of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, including the city's fire department, are based in Fatih.

Fatih has many historic and modern libraries, including the Edirnekapı Halk Kütüphanesi, Fener Rum Patrikhanesi Kütüphanesi (the Library of the Patriarchate), Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa Halk Kütüphanesi, İstanbul University Library, İstanbul University Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Kütüphanesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Kardiyoloji Ensitütüsü Kütüphanesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hulusi Behçet Kitaplığı, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Kadın Eserleri Kütüphanesi, Millet Kütüphanesi, Mizah Kütüphanesi, Murat Molla Halk Kütüphanesi, Ragıppaşa Kütüphanesi, and Yusufpaşa Halk Kütüphanesi.

On the other hand, today Fatih is known as one of the most conservative but peaceful religious areas of Istanbul because of the religious residents of the Çarşamba quarter which is essentially a very minor part of this historical district. Çarşamba is famous with bearded men in heavy coats, the traditional baggy 'shalwar' trousers and Islamic turban; while women dressed in full black gowns are a common sight as this area is popular with members of the Naqshbandi Sufi order affiliated to a Sheikh. Conservative political parties always do well in this area.

Muhabbet kelimesinin Onemi

Muhabbet' kelimesinin Onemi

This is a follow-up to a previous blog I wrote titled "Derin Muhabbet and Love,” please look for it in my 'history' list.  Today, I will write about the meaning of 'Muhabbet' in Turkish, as it needs to be explained to the younger generation, who, unfortunately, do not use this word properly. 


'Muhabbet' kelimesinin gonulden gelen bagimlilik anlamında kullanılmaktadır.

'Sevgi' kelimesi, 'Muhabbet' kelimesine gore, yeterli degildir.  Onun icin 'Derin Muhabbet' demek daha dogru olur 'Seviyorum' kelimesinin yerine.  

'Habbe' kelimesi tohumudur.  Ve sunu ekligim “Habbetul-kalb” kalbin derin yeri, anlamında kullanılmaktadır. 

'Muhabbet' duygusu, her insanın icinde var olan bir kuvvetli histir.  Onun icindirki, kalbin merkezinde boyle bir duygu cok onem tasir. 

Bu kelimeyi gunluk hayatimizda daha cok kullanmak gerektigini dusunuyorum. 


Zayd, the adopted son of Muhammad

Others lives should not matter to us, let each person live their own. Muhammad marrying his adopted sons ex wife, even if Zayd was 10 years younger, is a bad action by Muhammad.

In those days, they criticized Muhammad for marrying his adopted son.  

Now in 2021, we are still criticizing the prophet.  

I ask you, let us say, you adopted a son, he was 10 years younger than you.  Your adopted son, married, then divorced.  That lady that your adopted son married is now your daughter in law.  

Even after she divorces your adopted son, it is best not to marry her.  Am I I right this far? 

If you say, “look man, if my adopted son is ok, with me marrying his ex wife, I would marry her,” well your morale and mine are different.  

I would not, as my adopted son is still my son. He would be my son. And any ex wife of his, would still be a delicate matter and it would be best to stay away from that ex wife. It would be best to not only Zayd or Muhammad, but just for the entire family.  

This action by Muhammad is not defendable, but many try.   

Bad is bad, then or now.  

Because of this bad action by Muhammad, I’m very upset and sad at him, I lost my love for my religion, he should have known better not to marry his daughter-in-law, but he did not.  

Plus, there is the issue of, how a verse from the Quran miraculously come down to say, it is ok now to marry your adopted son’s ex wife? 

Please do some research.  

Take care, may Allah help you.

Zaynab, the daughter-in-law of Muhammad

Why argue back to me by stating, “if three of them are happy, why are you objecting. “

(Three of them - Zayd, Zaynab, and Muhammad).  

Let us focus on the action of Muhammad.  

Stick to this action only please.  

Don’t argue around by writing, “if certain places did not allow cousins to marry, that place would fizzle away.” No 

Stick to Muhammad marrying his adopted son’s ex wife. 

This is an important matter as it affects me and you, since he is our prophet. A prophet that supposedly knows best.  

I ask you, was Zayd Muhammad’s son in law? Adopted or not. I’ll answer - yes. 

Was Zaynab Muhammad’s daughter-in-law? Yes. 

Did Muhammad marry his daughter-in-law? Yes. 

Is this morally a bad action. Yes. 

Is this ayip, then or now. Yes. 

I donot care that Muhammad and Zaynab were happy or not, as you state that, “if they are happy, why am I criticizing this.” I’m criticizing this as it is a bad action. My prophet should know better not to marry his adopted son’s ex wife. 

Stop defending a bad action.  

Stop trying to justify it.  

This is what you need to do, as I did this. 

Go into a quiet room. Close your eyes. Picture in your mind how our prophet married his adopted son’s ex wife and if your truly honest with yourself, you will cry at how bad this makes my religion look.  

Again, may Allah help all of us, as I feel deceived by Muhammad.  

Go marry someone else, were there not other woman for Muhammad? Yes there were, he had another 8 wives already. Why marry Zaynab? If your going to retort to say, “he married for political reasons,” well bud, I have a ready answer for that too. 

This is the summary, Muhammad should not have married his daughter-in-law.  

Period, thank you.