Friday 31 January 2014

Living is

Living is

“Money is not everything, Living is.” - Ben Oak

Thursday 30 January 2014

Worrisome Developments at Galatasaray

Worrisome Developments at Galatasaray

I am a supporter of Galatasaray Football Club, of Istanbul Turkey.  However, I am extremely worried of the past 5 games of the club; prior to the Champions League game against Chelsea FC of London England. 

          Jump around

I have written below the past 5 games, and the record for 'Gala' is: 
2 wins, 2 draws, 1 tie. 

Next game: 
Sun 02/02/14, League, Galatasaray vs Bursaspor

          No matter how cold it is, need to train 

Wed 29/01/14, Turkish Cup, Galatasaray 3 - 0 Elazıgspor

Sun 26/01/14,Turkish League, Gaziantepspor 0 - 0 Galatasaray

Wed 22/01/14, Turkish Cup, Elazıgspor 1 - 0 Galatasaray

Sun 19/01/14, Turkish Cup, Antalyaspor 1 - 1 Galatasaray

Wed 15/01/14, Turkish Cup, Galatasaray 2 - 0 Tokatspor

          Stretching for top form

Understandably, the team is trying to find a 'new' playing style under the rule of Mr Roberto Mancini, however, they better do this extremely quick. Galatasaray needs to find 'top-form' to convince us loyal followers and 'football watchers' of the world that they have any chance of eliminating Chelsea FC from the Champions League, and making it to the last 8 of this competition. 

The 'clash' of Galatasaray and Chelsea will be on February 26, 2014; therefore, plenty of time to re-develop top-form, however 'convincing future Turkish League victories' will be the key to develop high-morale of the players.  

          Practising and jogging 

Here is a link titled 'The Clash of Galatasaray vs Chelsea', which I wrote recently of the match held between the two clubs in 1999.  If the link does not work, please copy/paste it to the address bar.

Good luck to both teams.  

Thank you for reading,


Wednesday 29 January 2014

Tuesday 28 January 2014

The life of Esengul, Part II

The life of Esengul, Part II

Now, here is the much requested, and anticipated part II of 'Esengul's' life.  
        A poster from the streets of Istanbul 

In part I, I wrote up-until the night of March 30'th, of 1979, you can find the link below:

now, here is the conclusion. 

I will begin part II by writing about the in-famous night that I like to refer to as the 'start' of Esengul's last 20 days, prior to the car crash.  

        Scene from her single movie

It was approximately 11:00 PM on March 30, 1979, and she was performing at 'Semiramis Gazinosu', which translates to English to mean, 'Semiramis Bar'.  A man with connections to the Mafia named Ismail Hacısuleymanoglu, who went by the name "Oflu İsmail", which translates to English to mean "Hurting Ismail" was seating at a table drinking.   While 'Esengul' was performing a song, 'Oflu Ismail' stands up and yells to the singer to say 'Taht Kurmussun Kalbime parcasini bana oku!', again, a translation is required, he yells out to say "Sing me the song 'your on the throne of my heart'". 

I have attached a link of this song below, please take time to listen to this heartbreaking, emotional masterpiece of a song from late 1970's.
        Number 1 singer from the mid 1970s

Esengul, stops singing and the band stopped playing as well since an argument irrupted at the corner of 'Semiramis Bar'.   We are then shocked to learn that the owner of the Bar 'Akbulut Karaoglu' and lead waiter 'Hasan Yolal' are shot and killed, while numerous people are injured.   

'Esengul' is able to get away unharmed.  

'Oflu Ismail' also gets away.   

Now, begins the count down to April 18, 1979.  

All of the events in 'Esengul's' life are unfortunately coming to a crashing end.  

Number 1, the Mafia connected rival boyfriends are trying to win her love, 
Number 2, 'Oflu Ismail' is no-where to be found, and wants vengeance for her since she did not sing the song, he requested, and caused the fight/killings,
Number 3, the 'Police' is questioning her of the shooting, and finally,
Number 4, the Mafia bosses are getting nervous that 'Esengul'' might speak to the Police about them regarding other criminal events that she surely would have witnessed as a lover.   
April 18, 1979, 'Esengul' and her current lover 'Faruk Ozfıratlı' were driving in his car to drop her off at her residence, when the car could not 'break/stop' and hit a wall at very high speed.   We soon learn that the vehicles 'break cables' were cut, and therefore it could not negotiate a turn in the road, and the shocking crash was the result.  

'Esengul' died at the very young age of 24.  

No person was arrested and charged for her death.  

On April 18, 2014, it will be the 35 year anniversary of her untimely death.  

Rest in Peace. Esen (Esengul) Agan. 



Monday 27 January 2014

Self Importance

Self Importance

          You are here 

          Carl Sagan 

Carl Edward Sagan, Astronomer, Astrophysicist, Cosmologist and Author (1934 - 1996)



Sunday 26 January 2014

Big Brown $100 Bill

Big Brown $100 Bill

If you are following this blog, and I sure hope you are, I wrote about the 'new' currency being introduced.  

I have attached the links below, for your reading pleasure.  If the link does not work, please copy/paste to the address bar. 

          New Note on Top

$5 Canadian Note

Purple $10 Canadian Note

$20 Canadian Currency

Today, I will write about the $100 dollar Canadian note, since it was the first time I was able to get in my hands an 'old' and 'new' version of the bank note, at the same time.  I have taken pictures of the front/back of the note.  

The Canadian $100 note is currently the highest valued and least circulated of the five banknotes. 

The 5 notes are:
$50, &

The current version of the $100 note was introduced into circulation in November 2011. 

          New Note on Top

This note is made of a durable polymer instead of the traditional paper notes.  

The note is brown in colour. 

The front design:
The front of the bank note features former Prime Minister, Sir Robert Borden

The back design:
The back of the bank note shows the discovery of 'insulin'.

The main reason for the 'new' currency is the security feature of having two transparent windows; which make the notes difficult to forge.  

Of the two windows, the first extends from the top to the bottom of the note and has holographic image.  The other window is in the shape of a maple leaf. 

Have you seen this 'new' currency yet?

Thank you for reading, 


Saturday 25 January 2014

Stephen Harper at a Refugee Camp

Stephen Harper at a Refugee Camp

Prime Minister of Canada Mr Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen toured the 'Za'atri' Refugee Camp in Jordan on Friday, January 24, 2014.

          Young boy at the brefugee camp 

Mr Harper promised $150 million in aid money to the refugees.  He made the following comment, “It’s sometimes easy to forget that these are all individual lives. We are touched by this.”        

I was shocked to read this as I did not believe this man had a 'heart' to give, thank you for surprising many 'world citizens' with this gesture.  



Friday 24 January 2014

The Life of Esengul, Part I

The Life of Esengul, Part I 

I would like to write about one of my favourite singers 'beautiful' life, that ended 'tragically', as a II part series.  

Here is part I.  

Her real name was 'Esen Agan' and she was born on September 24, 1954, in Istanbul, Turkey.  

She 'needlessly' passed away at the age of 24, on April 18, 1979, from a car accident, in the neighbourhood of Atakoy, Istanbul, Turkey. 

She was one of the most popular singers of this country from the years of 1971 to 1979.  

Her mother was 'Piraye Agan' and she was educated as a Consortium Musician and therefore Mrs Agan, thought her daughter about music and singer at a very young age.  

After a lengthy education from her mother, Esen received formal music lessons from the following gentlemans of Mr Cavit Deringol, Irfan Ozbakir and Abdullah Nail. 

It was Mr Abdullah Nail who gave her the nick-name "Esengül" at a very young age of 15.  The name does not have a very clear translation to English, however I will elaborate on this further, to make readers understand how the beautiful name matches the voice and the personality. 

'Esen' translates to mean 'Blowing' or Waving'. 

While, 'Gul' translates to mean 'Flower'.  

Therefore, the name roughly translates as 'Blowing-Flower'. 

'Esengul' entered her first singing contest, and won it with overwhelming support.  Afterwards, she released her first single titled 'Askimi Supurmusler', which translates to English to mean, 'my love is swept away'.  I tried to attach a link of this song, unfortunately it does not exist on the World Wide Web, at this time.  

After the 'hit' song, she became a popular singer at a very young age, and travelled to the large cities in Turkey.  

She was a beautiful woman, I have always made the comparison that 'Esengul' had the aura of 'Marilyn Munroe', and I will go as far as to say, 'Esengul' was more talented then Miss Monroe.  

Esengul, married Orhan Akcinar prior to becoming popular at a tender age of 17.  However, this marriage only lasted for 3 months, and the conclusion was a divorce at 'Istanbul Law Courts'.  

Afterwards, she married a popular singer from the 1970s named Adnan Senses.  This relationship lasted longer then her first marriage, however it was not her 'forever love'.  Therefore, these two separated after a year.  

After her second breakup, Esengul started to get the attention and desire of the 'Mafia' bosses of Istanbul.  She unfortunately, was not in the habit of using 'discretion' while dating these frightening and troubled men, and this caused friction and standoffs by the men, over the beautiful young woman. 

From her 'relationships' with the 'Mafia' men, she began to be followed by Police of Istanbul to try and use her as an informative, for the mafia men.  This all was unfolding while she was a 'Fan-Favorite', and kept creating number 1 singles in the mid to late 1970s.  

I will continue with part II, another day.  

Thank you.  

Thursday 23 January 2014

Culture in Decline, Episode 1 Review

Culture in Decline, Episode 1 Review 

The creator of the documentary 'Zeitgeist films', Mr Peter Joseph, follows this with a 'series' of 12 shows which are 30 minute in length, titled 'Culture in Decline'.  

The first episode of 'Culture in Decline' gives information of what 'Democracy' is and how/when the thought began.  Also, the USA election is looked at, with thoughtful comments made by Mr Joseph.

While it may be far easier to define a problem than to solve one, the masses as a whole, that is us, we are too selfish, weak, and ignorant to address this problem, at this time, and Mr Joseph points this out.   

We all know, since we have heard it numerous times on our 'news' networks, however, it is reintegrated in the first episode of 'Culture in Decline' and I will write this in the below paragraph.  

How can we, as a society, not solve the problem that almost half of the world, that is over 3 billion people, are either barely surviving in poverty and sickness, or are simply dying off unnecessarily at a rate of about one person every fee minutes.  All this is occurring in the 'dawn' of an advanced technological realities.  Why are our 'political leaders' not addressing this issue?

I will leave it at this for now.  

I recommend this first episode of 'Culture in Decline' and I have attached the link below.


Wednesday 22 January 2014

Yes You Can

Yes You Can

Me: I cannot write a single word today. 

Obama: Yes you can !

Me: Really, I cannot. 

Obama: Look at me, I said 'Yes You Can' !

Me: How about tomorrow...

Obama: Yeah, sounds good. 

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Hesaplasmadan Kaybolan Esengul

Hesaplasmadan Kaybolan Esengul

Bugunku hikaye 'Oflu Ismail ve Esengul' baslikli hikayemin devamidir.  Lutfen bu yazimi, asagidaki 'link'e basip okuyabilirsiniz.  

         Guzel Esengul

Lutfen, bir onceki hikayemi okumadiysaniz, okuyunuz ve sonra yeni bastan burda bulusalim.  

Hatirlama yapmakta fayda var: 

'Oflu Ismail' lakapli insan, 1960 ile 1970 yillari aradinda yeraltı dunyasının kabadayılarındandi.  Bir anda, herkezin 'Oflu Ismail' ismini duyar olmasinin sebebini, 1979 yılının Mart ayında, Semiramis Gazinosu'nda 'Assolist' Esengul'e hakaret yapmakla kalmadi, ve sonra o tahlihsiz aksam, iki insani oldurdu.  

O korkunc aksamdan tam 20 gun sonra Assolist Esengul oldu. 


Gercek adi Esen Agam olarak dunyaya gelen bu guzel kadinin sonu cok aci oldu.  

Zengin isadami olan Faruk Ozfiratli'nin Esengul'u evine getirirken, bir gece, araba kazasindan ikiside oldu.  

Kazanın bir mafya hesaplasması oldugu bilinmektedir.  

         The look that says 'why me...

Esengul 'mafya' ile iliskisi olan bir guzel kadindi ve bu mafya babalarinin 'kiskancligindan' ve 'gururgundan' 'kurban' edildi.  

Aci, ama gercek hikaye.  

Bir sonraki yazimda, Esengul'un hayatini 'ingilizce' yazmaya calisacagim.  



Sunday 19 January 2014

Stephen Harper and Israel

Stephen Harper and Israel 

The Prime Minister of Canada Mr Stephen Harper has stated the following at a 'Negev Dinner' in December of 2013; prior to a visit to Israel, on January 17, 2014.  

“A light of freedom and democracy in what is otherwise a region of darkness.” 

What the Prime Minister is saying is 'Israel' is the 'light' and all other countries in this region are the 'dark' (evil). 

Based on Mr Stephen Harper, the following countries, who are neighbours of 'Israel' are the 'dark'. 

Saudi Arabia,
Cyprus, &

I will stop here, at the supposedly the  'dark' countries.  I am sure that Mr Stephen Harper could add another dozen countries to this list. 

I do not believe the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr Stephen Harper should make these 'ignorant' comments.  Also, I do believe he is 'alienating' Canada from the world.    



Court Confirms Fenerbahce SK's Conviction

Court Confirms Fenerbahce SK's Conviction  

I want to give brief back ground information on 'Fenerbahce SK' and 'Aziz Yildirim'.   
Who is Fenerbahce SK? 
Fenerbahce SK, or 'Fener' as known among most everyone, is a 'Top' football/soccer team from Istanbul, with numerous trophy titles held. 

          Fenerbahce emblem

The President of Fener is Aziz Yildirim, he has been at this position for 15 years. 

Now, today's news.  

The Turkish Appeals Court has upheld Fenerbahce President Aziz Yildirim's conviction for 'match-fixing' & 'trying to influence the outcome of matches' & 'leading a criminal gang'.  

The conviction of 'match-fixing' occurred in July 3, 2012; and afterwards, Aziz Yildirim was sentenced to 6 years in prison. 

          Mr Aziz Yildirim

The 'final appeal' is the last avenue available for Mr Yildirim, who denies any wrongdoing.  

However, if the stated conviction above is confirmed, Mr Yildirim is expected to return to prison and be forced to step down as Fenerbahce's President. 

Due the conviction on July 3, 2012; Fenerbahce SK was expelled from the UEFA competition for these past years and is barred from qualifying for next season's competition.  

I will monitor the future outcomes from this scandal. 

Thank you,


Saturday 18 January 2014

The Only Other Home

The Only Other Home

"The only other home, I can enter without an appointment or invitation, is my parents." -- Ben Oak



Friday 17 January 2014

Careless Spending by Chelsea FC

Careless Spending by Chelsea FC

Nemanja Matic was traded to Benfica FC in 2001; plus Chelsea FC gave 23.5 million pound to the Portuguese club to acquire David Luiz, in return. 

             Benfica FC jersey

Now let us fast-forward to today.

Nemanja Matic is re-acquired from Benfica FC for a sum of 22 million pounds. 

Mr Matic has been voted the 'Portuguese player' of the year for 2013; but this reason should not stop us spectators to question this 'trade'. 

Is this careless spending by the London based football club?  

The questions that could be asked are:
- why was this player not kept at Chelsea FC previously?
- did the 'coaching staff' not see the potential of this player?
- is a 'midfielder' worth this much money, when there are quality players available for 1/3 the cost of this 'trade'. 
- does Chelsea FC not feel embarrassed about this trade?

            Chelsea FC jersey

I am very happy that 'Chelsea Coaching Staff' and particularly the Coach, Mr Jose Mourinho is not a 'financial analyst' for my 'portfolio' or my 'country'. 

Good luck to Mr Matic at his old/new club, he is a good player, and I hope he keeps 'embarrassing' the 'Chelsea FC Coaching Staff'. 


Thursday 16 January 2014

Minimum Wage in Canada

Minimum Wage in Canada

The 'minimum wage' in Canada is set forth by 'Employment Standards Regulation'.  This document states that for example, in the province of Alberta, the 'minimum wage' is;
- hourly minimum wage of $9.95 for most employees,
- hourly minimum wage of $9.05 for employees serving liquor,

I have attached some useful links and documents to support all the figures, these are below:

Employment Standards, Rights and Responsibility at Work

Province of Alberta, Employment Standards Code

Order in Council

Do you feel that an increase is warranted for the 'minimum wage'?

I will write another blog in the future, as I am interested to know which province in Canada has the 'highest' 'minimum wage' currently. 

To be continued. 

Thank you, 


Wednesday 15 January 2014

Cardinals of the Catholic Church

Cardinals of the Catholic Church

19 new Cardinals will be elected next month.  An interesting point is that half of these men are non-Europeans; which is a new trend for the Vatican City, since previously, all the men would be from the European continent. 

The ceremony to elevate/elect the new Cardinals; which is known as 'a consistory', will be held on February 22, 2014.  

The Church law states that there needs to be 120 Cardinals, however after the election, there will be a total of 122, this year.  

These individuals have important duties such as:
- elect the Pope in the future. 
- Pope's closest advisers in Vatican City and around the world.  
- leader of the Church in their countries. 
- members of key committees in Rome. 

The following are the elected Archbishops:

1.  Pietro Parolin, Titular Archbishop of Acquapendente, Secretary of State.

2.  Orani Joao Tempesta, O.Cist., Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro.

3.  Lorenzo Baldisseri, Titular Archbishop of Diocleziana, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops.

4.  Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia-Citta della Pieve, Italy.

5.  Andrew Yeom Soo jung, Archbishop of Seoul, South Korea.

6.  Gerhard Ludwig Mueller, Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Regensburg, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

7.  Beniamino Stella, Titular Archbishop of Midila, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy.

8.  Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, United Kingdom.

9.  Leopoldo Jose Brenes Solorzano, Archbishop of Managua, Nicaragua.

10.  Gerald Cyprien Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec, Canada.

11.  Jean-Pierre Kutwa, Archbishop of Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

12.  Mario Aurelio Poli, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

13.  Ricardo Ezzati Andrello, S.D.B., Archbishop of Santiago del Cile, Chile.

14.  Philippe Nakellentuba Ouedraogo, Archbishop of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

15.  Orlando B. Quevedo, O.M.I., Archbishop of Cotabato, Philippines.

16.  Chibly Langlois, Bishop of Les Cayes, Haiti.

17.  Loris Francesco Capovilla, Titular Archbishop of Mesembria.

18.  Fernando Sebastian Aguilar, C.M.F., Archbishop emeritus of Pamplona.

19.  Kelvin Edward Felix, Archbishop emeritus of Castries.

Pope Francis, made the announcement at St. Peter's Square, Vatican City on January 12, 2014, for his Sunday blessing. 



Tuesday 14 January 2014



'Only the Brave' is possible if some level of basic support is enabled. If you feel that this site should continue and thrive, any little help is appreciated, if you care to support the effort.

Thank you,


Monday 13 January 2014

The Movie 'Grey Wolf'

The Movie 'Grey Wolf' 

Here is a partial review of the movie 'The Grey'.  

First of all, I thought this was a very well made, good, entertaining movie. 

The movie is about a plane crashing into an isolated area in northern Alaska, where wolfs occupy; and the 'oil field workers' who survive the plane crash, will 'now' need to stay alive. 

The poem shown in the movie, and recited by the actor Liam Neeson, caught my attention.  And I would like to focus on this poem for my review of the movie. 

At the ending of the movie, Mr Neeson is confronted by a 'Grey' Alpha Male Wolf and he will need to battle this animal to live.  This is when he recites the poem.  

I have written the poem below.  

Once more into the fray. 
Into the last good fight I'll ever know. 
Live and die on this day. 
Live and die on this day. 

The poem is written by director, Joe Carnahan

I will make a 'General' meaning of what I believe the poem means to the actor of the movie, and even to 'us' viewers.  

The message is very clear.

I believe that the poem means that everyday we must give it our all, give our absolute best effort at whatever challenge comes ahead of us; to survive and prosper in today's world. 

Basically, that is the meaning.  

Have you watched this movie yet? If not, make time to watch this 'emotional' movie, you will be glad you did. 


The Poor Sheep

The Poor Sheep

Options given to us by the 'Elite Ruling Class', in the name of 'Democracy' is not a choice for the 'Good of entire humans'.  It is a choice put onto us, either vote for option A or option B; there are no other options.  

The system is flawed, and we need to think very hard/carefully of a new world order.  

          Sheep are voting for either Wolf or Lion



Sunday 12 January 2014

10 Thousand Dollar Transfer

10 Thousand Dollar Transfer 

There is a 'Banking' amendment in the works in this country and most likely all the others in the coming years.  

          An old bank 

The Canadian government is trying to have a legislation passed into law by 2015.  The legislation would require banks to report if $10,000 or more of money is transferred into or out of Canada.  

Also, this legislation would take into consideration transactions made within 24 hour period, as one single money transfer, if this amount totals more than $10,000.

This 'New' law is proposed to decrease or stop the fraudulent banking activity by citizens.  And possibly to 'Tax' citizens further on these activities.  

More limitations for citizens? Or will it work for its intended purpose?   

We will wait and see. 



Friday 10 January 2014

My Book Review of The Creature from Jekyll Island

My Book Review of 'The Creature from Jekyll Island'

Writer: G. Edward Griffin

The Federal Reserve System, the 'Fed' was conceived during a very secret meeting among an 'elite' group of men, on the island named 'Jekyll', off the coast of Georgia, in 1910. 

          Book cover

Mr Griffin analyzes the development of the Federal Reserve System. 

Also, he completes extensive research on the negative effect of the 'Fed' on our economy.  

The 'secret' meeting was held with six very important/elite men.  

Based on Mr Griffin's calculations, the six men held 1/4 of the entire world's wealth at that time. 

The men held interests of the following wealthy families of:
Rothschild's, and 
Warburg's; who met with the Republican Senator of 
Mr Nelson Aldrich at the Island.  

Mr Griffin takes the reader through a well organized journey; with 26 insightful chapters. 

The most interesting part of the book, in my opinion was, section II. 

This section presents a lengthy look at the monetary system, the gold based currency and finally the fiat currency. 

Mr Griffin presents a pessimistic view of USA with the 'Fed' and gives clear insight into abolishing this organization. 

In many areas of the book, Mr Griffin offers specific reasons why the 'Fed' should be abolished.  He gives the reader evidence and researched proof to back his claims.  

In conclusion, The book 'The Creature from Jekyll Island' is an interesting, easy read, that will intrigue all readers.  I did enjoy the detailed journey through the monetary system of the world and USA. 

I believe everyone should make time to read this educational and insightful book. 

Thank you for reading, 


Thursday 9 January 2014

And Enslave a Nation

And Enslave a Nation

I wanted to support a few of my previous writings, titled, 'Interest on Loan', 'Creation of Money', and 'Illegitimate and Absurd', with today's post.  

Therefore, I am trying to bring further attention on our failing 'monetary system', please find these writings in the web-pages of:

and please read them.  

Now today's post:

Think about this quote for a minute, what do you think? True or not. 

Sincerely now, 


Coolest Teams to Support in Football

Coolest Teams to Support in Football

The 'Bleacher Report' magazine reported the '10 coolest teams to support in football'; and I have attached the link for you below:

          the champions

I am extremely happy with this list, since the team I have supported for over 4 decades is on the list; the name of the team is,

The list is below:
10.  Celtic FC
9.  Sao Paulo FC
8.  S.L Benfics
7.  Arsenal 
6.  Galatasaray FK
5.  Athletic Bilbao
4.  Borussia Dortmund
3.  Boca Juniors
2.  FC St. Pauli
1.  SSC Napoli

What team would you have liked to see on this list? I'm surprised Real Madrid FC and Barcelona are not on this list. 

Thank you. 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Bring Down a Country

Bring Down a Country

This will be brief, and I will elaborate in length in the future.  Nonetheless, today, I will state the 3 steps given by the Central Intelligent Agency (CIA) in bringing 'down' and/or 'changing' a countries ruling party, not in favour of USA's vision and future path.  

These steps are not known and kept 'top secret', however extensive research can be completed to find the information.  

1.  Economic Hit-Man:
These highly trained professionals negotiate on behalf of the 'World Bank' and 'Elite Groups' to bride the government of a country to enforce 'their' vision.  The bribing is done in the form of giving large loans to the country and large presents to the ruling party.  The large loans will need to be paid back, with ridiculous interest payments. 

2.  The Jackal:
If the 'Economic Hit-Man' are unsuccessful in bribing the country down by crippling the economy with billion dollar loans, the next step is to send forth the 'Jackal'.  This is a military person, commissioned to take out the ruling person.  

3.  Military Action:
If the 'Economic Hit-Man' and 'The Jackal' are successful; and this happens infrequently, the USA military will be authorized to invade the country.  A full attack by USA will be enforced on the 'innocent' country.  

As I mentioned, I will only only write a brief enlightening introduction here today.  And in the future, I will expand each point in length. 

Thank you for reading, 


Derin Muhabbet and Love

Derin Muhabbet & Love

I would like to explain what 'Derin Muhabbet' means as it is very interesting. 

'Derin' means 'Deep'.  
'Muhabbet' means 'Conversation', both words are Turkish. 

Therefore, this translates to mean, 'Deep conversation'; however, this does not mean for a conversation. 

In Turkey, when a couple is in love with one another, and seen cuddling, kissing and/or hugging; people say "those two are in a 'Deep Conversation'"; to mean 'they are in Love'.  

Therefore, the true translation of the words: 
'Derin Muhabbet' means 'Love one-another'; and not how it should be translated to be:
'Deep Conversation'. 

I thought it was interesting, and I thought to share this with you today.  

Thank you,

Sirinnar Radio

Sirinnar Radio

Has anyone heard of 'Sirinnar Radio'?

Here is a link, in case you would like to view the webpage, and listen to the radio.

This is a radio station, broadcasts from the beautiful city of Gaziantep, which is located south-east of Turkey.  

"What kind of music is this?"

Folk, to be specific, it is Anatolian Folk Music.  

Anatolian (Turkish) folk music, 
(Turk Halk muzigi) combines the very different and distinct cultures/civilizations that have lived in Anatolia over the past many, many centuries.  

This music was the most popular music genre of the mighty Ottoman Empire.  

After the foundation of Turkish Republic in 1923, the founder of the Republic, Mr Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, commissioned a wide-scale classification program and archived all of the samples of Anatolian folk music in the territories, this lasted until 1953. 

There was a collection of more then 10,000 folk songs from a wide body of languages, cultures and civilizations. 

Sirrannar Radio, offers a 'rich' variety of 'peaceful' music, to the listeners.  

I whole-heartedly recommend this station to people who are looking for something different. 

Thank you for reading.  

Temperature on January 7, 2013

Temperature on January 7, 2013

On  December 7, 2013, at 4:00 AM in the morning, the temperature was -34 C.

Today, it is a much warmer, as you can see below:


Monday 6 January 2014

Landscaping in Real Estate

Landscaping in Real Estate

How important is landscaping for your home?

The University of Guelph in Canada completed a study in the year 2011, that measured the effect of properly completed landscaping on property values, and had the following conclusion.   

          Beautiful sunset 

Landscaping increased the value of the 'home' by 5%, plus it improved curb appeal.  Extensive landscaping such as rocks, mature trees, decks and patios increased the homes value by upwards of 15%.

I can hear you say "why are you writing about landscaping in the middle of winter?"

The reason is that, if you:
Bought a home,
Planning on selling a home,
Looking to build a home, and / or
Upgrade an existing home,

Organize and plan in the winter months a 'to do list' on your home.  And when spring / summer arrives, you know exactly what needs to be completed and the expense / investment needed to complete the work.  

Also , plan on visiting 'Home Hardware' stores frequently and remember that you will be spending more money then the allocated amount.  Enough said, about this topic, from one 'Experienced' Landscaper. 

Thank you for reading, 
